The RA draft law "On Making Amendments to the RA Law on Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise" was discussed

Deputy Minister of Environment Gayane Gabrielyan received representatives of the third group of the Armenian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum and interested persons to discuss the draft Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Making Amendments to the RA Law on Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise " today.
The discussion was attended by the Acting Director of the Center of Expertise for Environmental Impact Assessment of the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia, representatives of professional departments of the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure of the Republic of Armenia.
Various provisions of the amended draft law were discussed.
Representatives of the public sector presented their observations and concerns.
An agreement was reached to start a series of meetings, during which all the voiced professional proposals will be discussed in more detail.
The public will be informed about the upcoming meeting in accordance with the procedure established by law.

The Law onThe Deputy Minister of Environment Gayane Gabrielyan