The process of granting the permit for the export of wild plants and animals and their collections from the territory of the RA and the import of them into the territory of the Republic of Armenia will be carried out exclusively

The process of granting permission for the export of wild plants and animals and their collections from the territory of the Republic of Armenia and the import of them into the territory of the Republic of Armenia will be carried out exclusively through the electronic system.
At the executive meeting today, the draft of the Government's decision "On making changes to the decision N 977-N of the Government of the Republic of Armenia dated June 10, 2021" was approved.
With the adoption of this project, it is established that the process of granting permission for the export of wild plants and animals and their collections from the territory of the Republic of Armenia and their import into the territory of the Republic of Armenia will be carried out exclusively through the electronic system.
It should be noted that the adoption of the decision completes the process of exclusively electronic issuance of import and export permit documents by the Ministry of Environment through the national one-window electronic platform of the Republic of Armenia's foreign trade, which reduces corruption risks and ensures the availability and transparency of information for the public.
The decision will come into force on July 1 of this year