The Environmental Protection and Mining Inspection Body summed up the results of the year

2055 offenses, 1016 initiated administrative cases, 1116 administrative fines. The RA Nature and Subsoil Protection Inspection Body/EPMIB summed up the results of the year
In 2020, the amount of damage caused to the environment exceeded 1.5 billion drams, an administrative fine of 76 million drams was imposed, last year the amount of damage caused, increased by 16%, amounting to about 2 billion drams.
Last year, the inspection conducted 213 inspections, 142 of which were unscheduled.
With violations detected in 17 large and small hydroelectric power plants, the environment suffered damage in the amount of 626 million drams, and an administrative fine in the amount of 3.5 million drams.
8 inspections were carried out in different forestry enterprises of Armles, the damage was calculated in the amount of 65 million drams.
The animal world is also in the focus of the inspector's attention.
The materials of the inspections are already in the hands of law enforcement agencies.