The Deputy Minister of Environment Anna Mazmanyan met with the Deputy Minister of Environment of Lithuania Raminta Radavičienė and with Deputy Head of Environmental Programs Management Agency Dainius Kazlauskas

Yesterday, the Deputy Minister of Environment Anna Mazmanyan met with the Deputy Minister of Environment of Lithuania Raminta Radavičienė and with the Deputy Head of the Environmental Program Management Agency Dainius Kazlauskas.
A number of issues related to cooperation between the two countries in the field of nature protection were discussed.
Reference was made to proper waste management, in particular solid waste recycling, Lithuania's experience in this area.
The parties discussed the possibilities of implementing a bilateral program for the implementation of the processing / deposit system. In order to promote the implementation of the system, a preliminary analysis of the introduction of a deposit (prepayment) return system for plastic, glass, paper and aluminum containers in the country was carried out, on the initiative of the Ministry of Environment.
Issues related to efficient and sustainable management of water and forest resources were discussed.
Closer cooperation will be established between the Environmental Program Management Agency of the Lithuanian Ministry of Environment, the Environmental Programs Implementation Office of the RA Ministry of Environment.
Deputy Minister Anna Mazmanyan reaffirmed her commitment and readiness to ensure close cooperation at the highest level, between the Republic of Lithuania in favor of sustainable environmental development and governance.
It should be mentioned, that the delegation headed by the Deputy Minister of Environment Anna Mazmanyan is on a working visit to the Republic of Lithuania at the invitation of the Environmental Program Management Agency of the Lithuanian Ministry of Environment.
The delegation participates in the study visit, within the framework of the "Development of Sustainable Glass-Plastic Waste Management System" program.