The delegation headed by Deputy Minister of Environment Anna Mazmanyan met with the delegation of Indonesia within the framework of COP26 in Glasgow: possible formats of cooperation were discussed

During the meeting, representatives of the Armenian delegation discussed with colleagues from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Indonesia a number of environmental problems facing the countries.
Deputy Minister Anna Mazmanyan presented to her colleagues the specifics of environmental management in Armenia, touched upon the priorities of the RA Government in the field of environmental protection.
Anna Mazmaina spoke about the specially protected natural territories of Armenia, forest and water resources.
The Deputy Minister informed his colleagues that Armenia is interested in solving the problem of employment and social problems of the population of forest communities by international tools and thereby alleviate pressure on nature.
The Deputy Minister invited his colleagues to visit Armenia, particularly, the specially protected territories of the Syunik region and expressed a desire to exchange experience through closer cooperation and mutual visits. Anna Mazmanyan made a proposal for the implementation of the "Unified National Park" project.
Representatives of the delegation of Indonesia presented the specially protected territories of their country. There are 54 national parks in the country. The total protected area is more than 15% of the land of Indonesia, including 6,700 villages.
In this regard, the country has an interesting experience to balance social and environmental interests. Here, the government closely cooperates with the residents of forest communities, gives them certain benefits, as well as benefits for the use of natural resources of protected areas, which would help to avoid illegal activity.
Representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Indonesia approved the idea of a unified national park program.