Response program "Restoration of coastal territories of rivers in Armenia" COVID-19

2021. within the framework of the response program "restoration of coastal territories of rivers in Armenia" COVID-19, more than 1 million willow and poplar coupons were planted in the coastal areas of 10 rivers flowing into Lake Sevan, as well as cleaning of coastal territories from solid household waste waste.
A total of 375043 kg of waste and 1107 kg of waste were collected, of which 869 kg of plastic and 238 kg of glass waste were delivered to processing stations.
The program contributes to the restoration of the ecosystem of rivers and Lake Sevan, it is very important to direct all efforts to preserve the results of the program.
The response program "Restoration of coastal territories of Rivers in Armenia"COVID-19, delegated by the German Government, promotes "green restoration" and is implemented by the ECOserve program of the German Society for International Cooperation jointly with the Ministries of Environment and Territorial Administration and Infrastructure of the Republic of Armenia.