Minister of Environment Hakob Simidyan met the delegation of the monitoring mission of the Adaptation Fund

Minister of Environment Hakob Simidyan met the delegation of the monitoring mission of the Adaptation Fund.
Armen Esoyan, director of the state institution "Environmental Protection Program Implementation Office" of the Ministry, participated in the meeting.
The purpose of the meeting was to get acquainted with the results of the projects implemented by the "Environmental Projects Implementation Office", collect information on successful experience, analyze it and distribute it within the framework of the foundation.
Welcoming the members of the delegation, Minister Hakob Simidyan referred to the cooperation with the Adaptation Fund, calling it effective and fruitful.
"We highly value our cooperation with the Foundation and are glad that the project results monitoring group is in Armenia. I hope that the effectiveness of the programs will be recorded as a result of the monitoring, and that recording will help us to further strengthen cooperation and initiate new programs aimed at the establishment and development of the environment," the minister noted.
The minister referred to the priorities of the sector defined by the plan of the RA government and the programs implemented with the foundation within the framework of their service agenda. In particular, "Management of waste and floods of the closed quarry of Artik city", "Strengthening the adaptive capacity of ecosystems and communities adjacent to the specially protected natural areas of Armenia" and "Involvement of future leaders. creation of a digital educational module on adaptation issues and best practices for young people" programs.
During the meeting, the parties once again emphasized the implementation of measures and programs aimed at solving global and regional environmental problems within the framework of the fight against climate change.