Deputy Minister of Environment Gayane Gabrielyan took part in a meeting organized in Armenia within the framework of the EU for the Environment program

Welcoming the participants of the meeting, the Deputy Minister stressed the actions of resource-efficient and clean production (RECP) in Armenia as an important component of the program.
The meeting was one of the steps carried out within the framework of the EU for the Environment program and was aimed at presenting and analyzing the actions of resource-efficient and clean production as a result of a comprehensive discussion of stakeholders - government agencies, employers, and their representatives.
The role of RECP clubs, expansion, institutionalization of RECP, the path of progress, the results of monitoring of "green" organizations in Armenia were presented at the meeting.
In parallel with the speeches with the involvement of all parties, a broad discussion of the further implementation of RECP in Armenia, institutionalization and other issues included in the program unfolded.
Recall that the goal of the EU for the Environment program is to help the six Eastern Partnership countries - Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine - preserve and effectively use natural resources, strengthen the well-being of the human environment, and stimulate economic growth.
The operation is funded by the European Union and is carried out through five partner organizations: the OECD, the United Nations Environment Programmer, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, and the World Bank.