Discussion on the Implementation of a Globally Harmonized System of Classification, Labeling and Packaging of Chemicals

From April 29 to 30 of this year, a discussion on the implementation of a Globally Harmonized System of Classification, Labeling and Packaging of Chemicals was held at the "Ani Grand" Hotel in Yerevan, organized by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR).
Levon Azizyan, Director of the “Hydrometeorology and Monitoring Center” SNCO of the Ministry of Environment, welcoming the participants of the discussion, highlighted the organization of the event, noting that it is aimed at the implementation of the RA-EU comprehensive and expanded partnership agreement.
The principles of safe management of chemical substances and wastes are enshrined in all strategic environmental and health programs of the Republic of Armenia. However, there is still much to be done to increase the level of knowledge.
The Globally Harmonized System of Classification, Labeling and Packaging of Chemicals (GHS) was created to harmonize hazard classifications and notification systems for chemical substances within the country, as well as between countries and regions.
Representatives of a number of departments: Health, Economy and Environment Ministries, Customs Service, Rescue Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Environmental Protection and Mining, Food Safety, Market Control and Urban Development, Technical and Fire Safety Inspection Bodies and Statistical Committee participated in the discussion.
During the meeting, international experts Sandra Molenkamp and Lennart Dock gave speeches and presented the aspects of GHS legislation, the UNITAR guide on GHS road map development, and the experience of different countries in developing the road map.
The following questions were discussed with the representatives of the concerned departments: whether the GHS system should be implemented in all areas of use of chemicals or only in the primary areas: chemical products, agriculture, transport, and the legal regulations for the implementation of the GHS system.