Deputy Ministers of Environment Anna Mazmanyan and Aram Meimaryan met with the head of the public organization for the development of Tourism " Transcaucasian Trail " Ashot Davtyan

Today, Deputy Ministers Anna Mazmanyan and Aram Meimaryan met with the head of the public organization for the development of tourism "Transcaucasian Trail" Ashot Davtyan.
The public organization for the Development of Tourism "Transcaucasian Trail" is the representative office of "Transcaucasian Trail" in Armenia, located in Washington.
The organization is working towards the development of infrastructures in the field of adventure tourism of the Republic of Armenia, stimulating ecotourism, increasing the flow of tourists, including specially protected areas of the Republic of Armenia.
The first and largest program of the organization includes the construction and equipping of a pedestrian path connecting the northern border of Armenia with the southern border, in accordance with international standards.
In 2017, a one-day tourist circular route with a length of 85 km was built in the Dilijan National Park, which became the first example of a tropical infrastructure built according to international standards.
The Ministry of Environment undertakes to stimulate the development of ecotourism in specially protected areas and contribute to improving the quality of tourist services and infrastructures. In this context, the parties discussed issues of strengthening ties and the possibility of implementing joint programs with the cooperation of a government agency and a private structure.
Deputy Minister Aram Meimaryan noted the importance of ensuring the continuity of the protection regimes of specially protected natural territories and the competent organization of tourist information for this purpose.
On behalf of the Ministry, Anna Mazmanyan expressed readiness to do everything possible to develop hiking tourism in Armenia.