Deputy Minister of Environment Aram Meimaryan held a working meeting with Christian Henschel and " Romas Radke

Deputy Minister of Environment Aram Meimaryan held a working meeting with the head of the EU4Sevan program team Christian Henschel and international expert of the German consulting company "Akut Partner" Romas Radke.
The meeting was attended by representatives of the Department of Specially Protected Natural Territories and Biodiversity Policy of the Ministry, the Department of Water Policy, the Hydrometeorology and Monitoring Centyer, the Water Committee, the administration of the Gegharkunik region and the private sector.
The Deputy Minister thanked his colleagues for the initiative of the meeting and asked them to try to understand possible ways to solve the problem through an active response.
Within the framework of the program "Environmental Protection of Lake Sevan" (EU4SEVAN), a feasibility study of pilot options for decentralized wastewater treatment in the vicinity of Lake Sevan was carried out.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the feasibility of the proposed treatment plants, which will reduce the pollution of Lake Sevan.
During the working discussion, specialists from various departments had the opportunity to ask questions to the consulting company and discuss in more detail possible solutions for natural wastewater treatment, as well as the community and financial and economic calculations for the implementation of the pilot program.
Deputy Minister Aram Meimaryan stressed that within the framework of this component of the program, it is necessary to obtain a model that can be projected to other communities in the future.