The results of the competition announced for the purpose of organizing and servicing coastal recreation on the public beaches of Lake Sevan have been summed up in the Sevan National Park.

One organization participated in the competition-Golden Lion LLC for 3.3 hectares (starting price 396,000 drams).
A program was presented that met the requirements approved in the order of public beaches.
There was tea:
compliance with the requirements and conditions established in the order of the competition,
recommended high prices,
the ability to operate the facility in a short time (realistic time),
the amount of investment (availability of financial guarantees),
stability (continuity)the planned activity,
The socio-economic component (the number of jobs created; the impact on the socio-economic development of the territory),
risk assessment and availability of measures for resale.
According to the presented investment program, a rent of 700,000 drams per year was offered, it is planned to make investments within 3 years - 15 million drams per year, in total -45 million drams.
As an additional offer, free provision of bedrived patients on a public beach was also presented.
There are no applicants for the maintenance of the public beaches of Paradhic and Noratus.