Certificate of appreciation and a symbolic souvenir for many years of honest work and dedication

Today, Acting Minister of Environment Romanos Petrosyan handed Certificate of Appreciation and a symbolic souvenir to Hamlet Melkonyan, Chief Climatologist of “Hydrometeorology and Monitoring Center” of the Ministry of Environment, extending a vote of thanks for his many years of conscientious work, dedication, significant contribution to scientific-applied activities in the sphere of hydrometeorology and climate science. 
Mr. Melkonyan has been working in the sphere for 52 years.
"Conditioned by the war, the difficult post-war period, the coronavirus epidemic, it has recently  become difficult to return to normal life, to congratulate each other on the occasion, since we need to correct our rears, to find the path to peaceful creation," said the Acting Minister. Thankful for your significant contribution, development of high professional qualities, conscientious and knowledge-based work in the establishment and development of the most important sphere of hydrometeorology, climate science in the Republic of Armenia. The employees of the Ministry of Environment must always be inspired by the example of our experienced, deserving senior colleagues, making that example a working guideline serve the state and the interests of the country.
Expressing gratitude for the high assessment, Mr. Melkonyan presented his former career, spoke about his scientific activity, as  well as referred to the complicated process of development of hydrometeorology  in Armenia, the most important achievements of recent years and having a technically equipped and established institute. He highlighted the issue of replenishing the field with young specialists, noting that today the sphere is already in the hands of knowledgeable and smart specialists.
 Also, Levon Azizyan, Acting Director of “Hydrometeorology and Monitoring Center” of the Ministry of Environment, Gagik Surenyan, Deputy Director of the SNCO that were his students during their university education, apart from being Mr. Melkonyan's colleagues, made a gratitude speech for knowledge, experience and his contribution to the sphere.  
The Deputy Minister of Environment Anna Mazmanyan and the Secretary General of the Ministry Grigor Gulyan, too, extended a vote of thanks speeches.
"One of Mr. Melkonyan's achievements can be deemed that today the outstanding officers of the sphere are his students," the Deputy Minister noted.
At the end of the event, Acting Minister Romanos Petrosyan handed a certificate of appreciation and a symbolic souvenir as a sign of deep gratitude.