An open public hearing was held headed by Deputy Minister of Environment Gayane Gabrielyan

An open public hearing was held at the Ministry of Environment under the leadership of Deputy Minister Gayane Gabrielyan, organized to discuss the draft Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise".
The public hearing was attended by the director of the “Expert Center for Environmental Impact Assessment” heads of professional departments of the Ministry, legal advisers of the Minister, more than two dozen representatives of public organizations, individual environmentalists and interested persons.
Deputy Minister Gayane Gabrielyan made an introductory speech and asked her colleagues to discuss the gaps in the draft law in an atmosphere of mutual understanding, present observations and make substantive proposals that will help make the draft law more comprehensive.
The Head of the Strategic Policy Department of the Ministry, Lusine Avetisyan, presented the amendments provided for in the law.
You can follow the discussions during the open public hearing live:
You can get acquainted with the project on the unified website of the publication of draft legal acts: