The discussion of the RA Draft Law "On Amendments to the RA Law" On Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise" took place

In the Ministry of Environment headed by Minister Hakob Simidyan, Deputy Minister for Coordination of the Sphere Tigran Gabrielyan, Director of the Center for Environmental Impact Assessment Khachik Martirosyan, heads of professional departments of the Ministry and representatives of the public sphere discussed the draft Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise".
It should be recalled that a few days ago, the chairman of the information public organization "Ecolur" Inga Zarafyan, the chairman of the public organization "Community Cohesion and Support Center "Oleg Dulgaryan and the director of the public organization "Forests of Armenia" Nazeli Vardanyan sent a letter to the Minister of Environment Hakob Simidyan with a proposal to organize a public discussion of the draft law of the Republic of rmenia "On Amendments to RA Law" On Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise:
The Minister discussed with colleagues their comments and suggestions on some provisions of the draft law.
The Minister said that all this was initially aimed solely at regulating the scope of permits and EIA expertise established by law, the tools of the rule of law.
Discussions will also take place with interested parties in the near future.