A roundtable discussion was held on environmental education in Armenia, legal, policy as well as institutional frameworks

A workshop took place within the framework of“ Generate global environmental benefits through environmental education and raising awareness of stakeholders” UNDP/GEF project. The objective of the launch seminar is to establish a platform applying environmental education /EE/ as a tool to consider legal, policy and institutional aspects within implementation of responsibilities under multilateral environmental agreements /MEA/. More than fifty representatives of stakeholders, relevant ministries, governmental and educational institutions as well as international and non-governmental organizations had a participation in the workshop.   Besides essential themes related to legal, policy, strategy and institutional scopes, the participants considered the role of community based organizations in environmental education and raising awareness.  “Generate global environmental benefits through environmental education and raising awareness of stakeholders”  UNDP/GEF project has been realizing since 2016. The project is financed by GEF and implemented by UNDP in Armenia. The aim of this tree year project is to build on capacities of Armenia thus using environmental education and awareness raising tools to develop global and national environmental benefits focused on implementing Rio Convention strategies.