Seminar Dedicated to the Management Planning of Protected Areas of the "Zangezur Biosphere Complex"

Deputy Minister of Environment Aram Meimaryan took part in a seminar dedicated to the management planning of protected areas of the Zangezur Biosphere Complex, making maximum use of Armenian, ecotourism and international experience.
The purpose of the seminar is to consider the exemplary experience of Armenia and the region and to determine its application in the management planning process of the Zangezur Biosphere Complex.
Welcoming the participants of the seminar, the Deputy Minister once again touched upon the key role of specially protected natural areas. They contribute to reducing the anthropogenic impact on the environment, ensuring ecological balance, preserving biological and landscape diversity:
"The preservation and development of the current SCPEC system is an important component and guarantee of the implementation of Armenia's environmental policy, as well as the stable and long-term development of the country.
Managing a specially protected area means effectively managing an entire structure that will ensure the protection of the territory, monitoring of biodiversity, development of ecotourism, cooperation with communities and a number of other functions.
In this process, we also attach importance to the introduction of alternative and innovative models of protected areas management, the application and development of international experience in Armenia," the Deputy Minister said and expressed hope that the participants of the seminar will present their approaches and proposals and discuss together all acceptable solutions to problematic issues.