The World Day of Electric Vehicles in Armenia is marked by a symbolic parade of electric vehicles

The parade started from Stepan Shahumyan Square and covered dozens of streets of the capital. Deputy Head of the Strategic Policy Department of the Ministry of Environment Artur Kavalyan took part in the parade of electric vehicles, presenting among the participants the actions of the Ministry on the path of transition from internal combustion engine cars to electric vehicles in recent years, current programs, based on the generalization of which other mechanisms and tools aimed at stimulating the sphere will be developed and implemented. The main source of atmospheric air pollution in Armenia is currently motor transport, the share of which in atmospheric air emissions, according to various studies, is 66.5%. To reduce it, the steps of the Government, in particular the Ministry of the Environment, in the development of electric transport and infrastructure will be effective, consistent and long-lasting. this is evidenced by the sharp growth over the past five years of electric transport, as well as infrastructure in our republic.
29 electric vehicles in 2017 
12 electric vehicles in 2018 
145 electric vehicles in 2019 
358 electric vehicles in 2020 
1898 electric vehicles in 2021 
1,041 electric vehicles in the first half of 2022.  Summing up, 42 were imported to the republic before the benefits were granted, and after that -3484 electric vehicles.