We must actively be engaged in realizing reforms with a new impetus: Acting Minister of Environment Romanos Petrosyan was on a working visit to “Dilijan” national park

Acting Minister introduced the newly appointed Deputy Director of the National Park Edgar Khachaturyan to the staff, afterwards held a working consultation with the staff. A number of current issues related to the supervision and protection accomplished in the districts were discussed.
Introducing the newly appointed Deputy Director of “Dilijan” national park, Acting Minister Romanos Petrosyan pointed out that, unfortunately, the unleashed  war has made some adjustments to the outlined priorities, but now the cycle of correcting the rear, returning the efficiency of state governance to a higher level has begun. It is essential to embark on fulfilling reforms with a new impetus.
Mr. Khachaturyan is entrusted with the mandate of the Ministry to streamline relations with economic entities, nature use and water use permits, conduct  serious work on the organization of proper waste disposal and elimination of illegal construction activities  in the districts of Dilijan bends of Yerevan-Tbilisi interstate highway.
The main task is to fully realize the potential of "Dilijan" national park, to direct the financial resources generated as a result of that realization to the increase of salaries, to strengthen the own capacities of the National Park.
Acting Minister Petrosyan made a special reference to the demand to amend the timber procurement mechanisms. From now on, the national park should not carry out any targeted extraction of timber. The works in this direction are in progress, the legal regulations are being developed.
Prior to the launch of the active tourism period, issues related to illegal constructions in the specially protected areas of nature under “Dilijan” national park, the appearance of temporary pavilions located on the roadside, maintenance of environmental, urban planning and land norms were discussed.
 There was made a reference to the lease agreements of the areas adjacent to Lake Parz Natural Monument.
The Acting Minister made harsh assessments, assuring that there is not and can not be any privileged person who will have the right to arbitrarily use the national wealth for his own, narrow personal interests.
Summing up the working consultation, Acting Minister Romanos Petrosyan and the top management of the national park outlined the three main directions in the direction of which work should be effected in the short time period:
Regulation of legal relations with economic entities, which excludes illegality
Complete inventory and realization of the economic potential of the National Park
Final development of the economic-tourism component
The Acting Minister spoke about the need to replenish  the system of decentralized personnel policy with young and innovative personnel.