Visit of experts of the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia to the Czech Republic

Five representatives of the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia visited several specially protected natural areas during an educational visit to the Czech Republic on October 10-17.
The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the approaches of the Czech Republic in the field of nature protection, as well as with the EU instructions.
Experts of the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia, "Zangezur " Biosphere Complex" SNCO and "State Museum of Nature of Armenia" SNCO visited the National Park "Czech Switzerland", as well as three protected landscape territories - "Isera Mountains", "Ceske Stredochori" and "Czech Paradise". In addition, informational meetings were organized at the Ministry of the Environment and the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic.
 "We are ready to share our knowledge and experience in the field of nature protection with our Armenian colleagues. One of the biggest challenges in this area is the usage of legislation and, consequently, institutional and professional development. I think this familiarization visit is one of the most important basis of our long-term cooperation with Armenia, which will be followed by an active process of exchange of specialists, knowledge, ideas," said the Director of the Nature Conservation Agency Frantisek Pelts.
The main topics discussed during the study visit include tourism management, forest restoration, as well as the practical usage of legislation. In addition, the experts were presented with technologies and measures that ensure the migration of fish inflows in rivers, since the latter in Armenia belongs to a number of urgent problems.
"For me, the most significant phenomenon in the Czech approach to nature conservation was the thorough monitoring and cartography carried out by them, which can also be applied in Armenia. I was most surprised by the caring attitude of people to nature, the care and approach of the latter and the  employees to nature, as well as the involvement of communities in the cause of nature protection," said the head of the " Zangezur" Biosphere Complex Arman Mkrtchyan.
The week-long study visit was organized within the framework of the Twinning program "Strengthening biodiversity conservation in Armenia", which is implemented by a Czech-Finnish consortium in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia.  The main goal of the program is to improve the legislation in force in the field of biodiversity conservation in Armenia.
The " twinning program " is one of the effective tools of the European Union, through which assistance is provided in ensuring cooperation between government agencies.