The work on cleaning the coastal and flooded forest layers of Lake Sevan is entering an active phase

As it was announced, on November 15, work started on cleaning flooded forest plantations on the shore of Lake Sevan. The work is carried out directly by the "Sevan" National Park.
At the initiative of the Ministry of Environment, as a result of the redistribution of the state budget, 3 special vehicles were purchased for the National Park, two of which are already involved, the third will be in the Sevan National Park in a week. Another lifting equipment was donated by partners from the EU, which will arrive in Armenia again within 1-2 months.
At the moment, in the Martuni and Noratus territories of the Sevan National Park, the forest layer is being cleared of trees, shrubs and other plant combinations.
At this stage, the task is to consistently achieve a gradual reduction and complete elimination of anthropogenic factors that pose a threat to the ecosystem of Lake Sevan, and their derivatives of natural phenomena.
Removal of the remains of trees and shrubs from flooded coastal zones is aimed at eliminating the causes of blue-green algae in the waters of Lake Sevan.