The draft on specially protected areas of nature was approved by the NA Standing Committee

RA Deputy Minister of Environment Tigran Simonyan presented for debate the draft law on "Making amendments to the RA Water Code" in the first reading, at May 19 sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Nature Protection.
The Deputy Minister noted that it is proposed to make a corresponding amendment to "b" subpoint, 2nd point, 2nd paragraph of Article 30.1 of the RA Water Code, eliminating the words "protection zones". It is suggested to envisage non-acceptance of applications for water use permits issued to newly constructed small hydropower plants only if the construction of a small hydropower plant is planned in specially protected areas of nature.
According to Tigran Simonyan, the adoption of the draft will contribute to the preservation of specially protected areas of nature and economic development.
The draft was approved by the committee.