Revealed the circumstances of the bezoar goat hunting

The RA Inspectorate for Nature Protection and Mineral Resources notifies: in order to detect the circumstances of the video posted on the Internet on January 29, 2020, on organizing the RA Red Book-listed bezoar goat hunting, the RA Inspectorate for Nature Protection and Mineral Resources applied to the RA Police. 
As a result of the measures assumed by the RA Police, it was found out that the bezoar goat hunting of the above-mentioned video was organized in April 2017, by Safari International LLC, which is a hunting farm and operates in accordance with Article 27.2 of the law of the Republic of Armenia on “Fauna”, under a contract signed between the Ministry of Nature Protection and Safari International LLC.
Presently, the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia has initiated a process of returning the specially protected areas of nature provided to a private company ("Safari International" LLC) free of charge for an indefinite period of time to state control, terminating the contract, as well as to develop a draft decree to revoke the N894-N decree of the RA Government (June 10, 2004).