About the project of installing a monumental statue of Jesus Christ on the top of Mount Hatis

Dear citizens,
Regarding the project of installing a monumental statue of Jesus Christ on the top of Mount Hatis, we consider it necessary to clarify the following:
At a government meeting on July 7, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said that the relevant documents on the initiative of the chairman of the Multi Group concern for the construction of a large statue of Jesus Christ were submitted to the government, the government bodies should discuss and make a decision.
We inform you that the Ministry of Environment has not yet received any documents from the Gagik Tsarukyan Charitable Foundation regarding the choice of the monument site.
Meeting the concerns of the professional community and various strata of society, the construction of the monument by the foundation is currently suspended, they will begin only after receiving the appropriate professional and expert opinions and permits for the start of construction work by the relevant authorities.
It should be recalled that Mount Hatis is included in the list of natural monuments of the Republic of Armenia according to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No. 967-n dated August 14, 2008 "On approval of the list of natural monuments of the Republic of Armenia".
The protection of a natural monument is regulated by paragraph 1 of Article 19 of the RA Law "On Specially Protected Natural Territories", namely: any activity that threatens its protection, as well as other by laws, is prohibited on the territory of a natural monument in the Republic of Armenia.
The Ministry of Environment will give a professional opinion on the project only after receiving the relevant documents.