March 21 was officially celebrated as International Day of Forests around the world

The first  International Day of Forests was marked on March 21, 2013.  It was proclaimed on December 21, 2012, by the decree of the United Nations General Assembly. International Day of Forests has been set up as a global platform for people interested in forest preservation and mitigating the impacts of global climate change.
Here are 10 reasons why forests are pivotal:
We inhale as forests exist. The medium-sized tree produces as much oxygen per day as 2-10 people inhale in a day. Phytoplankton produce 50% of the oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere, since forests are responsible for clean air.
They are more than just trees. 50% of the species are in forests.
People also live in forests. 300 million people across the world directly live in the forest.
Forests cool the surrounding. Urban trees allow buildings to stay cooler in summer.
Forests absorb greenhouse gases and reduce the consequences of the greenhouse effect on the planet.
Forests create a unique microclimate in their adjacent areas. For example, Amazon forests promotes rainfall up to North America.
Forests block the winds. Besides, farms adjacent to forests are less susceptible to pests.
Forests help to live healthier. For instance, Theophylline drug used for allergy, people make from the cocoa beans.
Forests are a precious resource for human activity. Getting of furniture, paper, wood, rubber and other types of raw materials are impossible without forests.
Forests create jobs. According to the UN, more than 1.3 billion people depend on forest products and 10 million people directly work in forestry.