The legislative regulation project aimed at reducing the use of single-use plastic products has been discussed

At the initiative of the Ministry of Environment, the draft laws on “Making amendments to the Law on Trade and Services", "Making amendments to the Code of the Republic of Armenia on Administrative Offenses" and "Making amendments and supplements to the Law on Market Control" were discussed with the entrepreneurs selling plastic products.
Lusine Avetisyan, the head of the Ministry's Strategic Policy Department, presented the main provisions of the draft law and initiated a discussion about the products prohibited by the law.
You can get familiar with the draft laws at the following link:
The present entrepreneurs voiced their concerns and made suggestions.
Harutyun Alpetyan, head of the "Waste Management Policy in Armenia" program of the "Acopian Center for the Environment" of the American University of Armenia, spoke about the steps being taken towards the implementation of the extended producer responsibility system.
An agreement was reached to continue the discussions with a more expanded interdepartmental staff.