It took place the next session of the Public Council attached to the Minister of Environment

The main amendments to the law on 
“Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise” were submitted to the Council for discussion.
Months ago, Acting Minister of Environment Romanos Petrosyan, set a clear task for the relevant departments of the ministry - to reveal all the gaps in the current law that they had faced, to inventory the issues, to discuss and develop a new draft law in a special working group. First of all, it will be the basis for the establishment of a new institution with a status, expert’s conclusion, signature of which will become an unbreakable seal with high authority by the state.
The new draft law envisages the establishment of  "Environmental Impact Assessment Office" within the authorized body in accordance with the law on “Regulation of administrative legal relations.”
The bases for the development of the draft were:
Roadmap approved by the Prime Minister's N666-L decree (June 1, 2019)
"Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement between Armenia-The EU  and the European Union Atomic Energy Community and their Member States"
The Action Plan approved by the N 650-L decree (May 16, 2019) of the Government.
Today, the working group set up to draft the law, with which many members of the Public Council attached to the Minister worked in collaboration, presented the results of the work done for months to the entire staff of the council, listened to their remarks, proposals and opinions.
The Acting Minister asked the Council members and representatives of environmental NGOs to come up with their propositions on the draft in written form within 10 days, which will be duly discussed and, if necessary, included in the new law on “Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise”.