Discussion in the Ministry of Environment on the damages caused by grizzly bears to the residents of the communities

In the context of the human-wild animal conflict, a discussion was held under the leadership of Minister of Environment Hakob Simidyan on the recent studies of the behavior of grizzly bears and ways to mitigate the threats to residents and their economies.
Representatives from interested departments and non-governmental organizations operating in the field took part in the discussion.
The minister informed his colleagues that the problem of grizzly bear attacks has been in the center of attention of relevant specialists of the Ministry of Environment for a long time, studies of animal behavior, calculations of damage to farms are being carried out, the international experience of solving the problem is also being studied, there is a huge stock of information, which will already allow to take steps towards solutions.
In his speech, the minister clearly emphasized that any solution that harms biodiversity is unacceptable for the ministry.
Voskehat Grigoryan, Head of the Specially Protected Areas and Biodiversity Policy Department of the Ministry of Environment, speaking about the areas of grizzly bear attacks, noted that especially in several communities of Vayots Dzor, the same individual is regularly observed, and that these cases should be given priority consideration in the solution measures.
During the meeting, a decision was made to create a professional working group, which will come up with specific proposals for solutions in the near future.
Minister Hakob Simidyan expressed his willingness to visit the communities and talk with the residents about the damage caused by the attacks, protective measures and the problems of coexistence with animals.