Deputy Minister of Environment Gayane Gabrielyan took part in the annual meeting of the Green Action Working Group 2023

Deputy Environment Minister Gayane Gabrielyan took part in the annual meeting of the Green Action 2023 working Group in Istanbul.
The meeting of the working group was also attended by high-ranking officials from the countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (EESCA), OECD member countries and development cooperation partners, financial institutions.
During the meeting, members and colleagues of the working group discussed:
-In accordance with the new mandate of the working group received at the 9th Ministerial Conference "Environment for Europe" in October 2022, the implementation of the GREEN Action working group program and priority working topics,
- Substantive issues related to the transition to a green economy in EESCA
- involvement of the private sector,
- promotion and mobilization of private sector investments,
- current state and prospects of biodiversity policy,
- Implementation of the work and budget of the GREEN Action Task Force program for 2023-2024,
- the role of state environmental financing in promoting environmental/green investments,
- The main challenges facing governments in the management of state environmental expenditures.
During the meeting, the members of the bureau of the working group for 2023-2024 were elected. The Bureau of the working group consists of four representatives of OECD countries (one as Co-chair and three as Vice-President) and four representatives of EEA countries (one as Co-Chair and three as Vice-Presidents). The Bureau is elected for a two-year term.
At the elections of the bureau members held in 2023, Deputy Minister of Environment Gayane Gabrielyan was elected Deputy Chairman of the Bureau of the working group.
In her speech, Deputy Minister Gayane Gabrielyan presented the process of popularization of green financial instruments developed by the RA, including green bonders, climate bonders, taxonomies.
In addition to the work done, climate actions on fiscal risks.
It was also proposed to organize the first meeting of the bureau in Armenia.
Since 2016, GREEN Action Task Force has been a unique platform for interested OECD countries and partners to work with the countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EESCA), which currently includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova (Moldova), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyzstan), Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
The Working Group contributes to the development and implementation of policies aimed at improving environmental and social well-being in the region, creating opportunities for strong economic growth and decent jobs.