The final workshop for the development of the management plan of "Sevan" National Park has been held

The final workshop for the development of the management plan of "Sevan" National Park has been held, during which the management plan of “Sevan” National Park was handed over to Karen Mnatsakanyan, the director of "Sevan" National Park SNCO.
The development of the management plan of “Sevan” National Park is part of the UNDP "Environmental Protection of Lake Sevan" (EU4Sevan) project and is implemented by the consortium of "Institute of Botany after A. Takhtajyan" SNCO, “Soluton” LLC, DHP Conservation Ltd (Czech Republic) and NaravaNarave d.o.o. (Slovenia).
The "Environmental Protection of Lake Sevan" (EU4Sevan) project is funded by the European Union, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and is a part of “ECOServe" project funded by the BMZ and the EU Action “EU4Energy Efficiency and Environment”. The project is implemented by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
The event was attended by Sergo Atanesyan, Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment of the RA, Frank Hess, Head of Cooperation at the Delegation of the European Union to Armenia, Konstantin Sokulsky, UNDP Resident Representative, and representatives of state departments dealing with the regulation of the sector, international and non-governmental organizations.
Sergo Atanesyan, Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment of the RA, gave a speech of welcome. "Setting high environmental benchmarks in the field of the environment and their compliance with the best international standards is an agenda priority for us, and we have sufficient will to serve that agenda and will not spare any effort and resources," Atanesyan noted.
During the event, the process and results of the management plan of "Sevan" National Park were presented.
The event was concluded with a tour of the museum of "Sevan" National Park.