The Department for the Environmental Project Implementation Unit of the Ministry of Environment has developed an eco-educational game

The purpose of the grant program "Attracting future leaders: creating a digital educational module on problems and best practices of harmonization for young people", funded by the Adaptation Fund of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and implemented by the state institution "Environmental Project Implementation Unit ", is to train a new generation of young people in developing countries who initiate innovative solutions and changes in the context of existing problems in the field of environmental protection for high school students through the creation and implementation of education.
Developing countries, struggling with the problems of adaptation to climate change, face a number of systemic problems, the cause of which is mainly the lack of professional opportunities in the country.
The education of the younger generation with in-depth knowledge in the field of the environment is a necessity from the point of view of ensuring the popularization of adaptation tools and ensuring greater accessibility for young people.
In order to solve the above-mentioned problems in the country and educate a new generation of young leaders in the field of the environment, an eco-educational browser game was developed within the framework of the second component of the program, which aims to enrich the knowledge of the younger generation, in particular high school students in the field of the environment, with an emphasis on topics related to adaptation.
The link to the browser game created as part of the program is presented below․
In order to ensure the scalability of the created game, the program also provides for the creation of a trilingual mobile application of the game, which is key in terms of attracting a wider range of users both in Armenia and in other developing countries.