Discussion of the ban on the sale of plastic bags up to 50 microns thick with representatives of local governments

The Ministry of Environment initiated a discussion with representatives of the authorities monitoring the ban on the sale of plastic bags up to 50 microns thick.
Deputy Minister Anna Mazmanyan and Head of the Strategic Policy Department of the Ministry of Environment Lusine Avetisyan discussed with the bodies responsible for the application of the law, the control process and the tools necessary for its more effective implementation.
The results of the control raids carried out during the previous month and the difficulties encountered in the process were analyzed.
Let's see what's in 2022. Since January 1, the sale of plastic bags with a thickness of up to 50 microns is prohibited at retail facilities and in places of trade.
According to the Code of Administrative Offenses, the sale of goods prohibited in retail facilities, catering facilities, consumer goods markets, agricultural products, stalls, as well as in mobile trade points and through retail trade, entails a fine of thirty times the established minimum wage (30 thousand drams), for which local self-government bodies are responsible.