Combine efforts to preserve Sevan: meeting with representatives of public organizations operating in Gegharkunik region

Deputy Minister of Environment Aram Meimaryan met with public organizations operating in Gegharkunik region to discuss the procedure for holding a competition for the improvement, arrangement and maintenance of 5 public beaches, which have established the conditions for their maintenance, a list of free services and other procedures. The possibilities of attracting programs to the communities adjacent to the lake that will help mitigate the anthropogenic impact on the lake were also discussed.
Before proceeding to the issues on the agenda of the meeting, the Deputy Minister welcomed the guests and thanked them for accepting the proposal for the meeting.
"Lake Sevan is extremely important for the Republic of Armenia as the largest reserve of high-altitude fresh water in the region. On the way to improving and restoring the ecosystem of the lake, it is equally important to reduce the anthropogenic impact and pressure on the lake, why we need the support of civil society and the environmental community. All of you are already investing great efforts in the preservation of Lake Sevan with your activities: you create jobs, implement various programs, and, in the end, constantly draw the attention of our citizens to Sevan and its problems. For which we are also grateful to you," the Deputy Minister said.
The head of the Department of Specially Protected Natural Territories and Biodiversity Policy of the Ministry of Environment, Voskeat Grigoryan, presented to public organizations the procedure for landscaping, equipping and servicing public beaches of Lake Sevan and the requirements for accepting applications.
A number of proposals were made, which after studying will be included in the project.
Voskeat Grigoryan noted that it is extremely important for the Ministry, as the body developing the policy of the sphere, to rely on the potential of public organizations operating in the region, both for the implementation of joint programs and for ensuring the successful progress of already implemented programs.
During the meeting, a wide range of issues related to Lake Sevan were discussed: from the organization of commercial fishing to wastewater treatment systems and international programs coordinated by the Ministry.
Deputy Minister Aram Meimaryan noted the importance of creating a positive environment and sentiment around the programs aimed at Lake Sevan, which, in turn, will contribute to improving the investment field.
At the end of the meeting, the Deputy Minister expressed satisfaction with the detailed discussion.
"Through more frequent organization of such constructive discussions and with your help and in cooperation with you, we are more effectively implementing the reforms of the Ministry of Environment aimed at protecting Lake Sevan"and as quickly as possible."
Representatives of public organizations also expressed satisfaction with the first such meeting in their format.
An agreement has been reached to organize such a discussion in the near future - a meeting already in one of the communities with the participation of Minister Hakob Simidyan.