Acting Minister of Environment Romanos Petrosyan was included in the interdepartmental commission

On July 2, Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan signed a decree according to which an interdepartmental commission was set up.
"Guided by 5th paragraph of Article 7 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia on "Structure and Activities of the Government ", to set up an interdepartmental commission coordinating identification of possible problems and rapid response  measures for prevention of possible drought or water scarcity , elimination or mitigation of drought or water scarcity in the Republic of Armenia, as well as coordinating the development of a strategy to increase the efficiency of the irrigation sector," the decree reads.
The individual staff of the interdepartmental commission:
Suren Papikyan - Acting Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures (Chairman of the Commission)
Vahan Kerobyan - Acting Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia
Romanos Petrosyan - Acting Minister of Environment of the Republic of Armenia
Karen Sargsyan - Chairman of the Water Committee of the RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures.
Artashes Abgaryan - Director of "Jrar" CJSC.