1.0 million AMD entered the State Budget due to the inspections realized by the RA Ministry of Nature Protection

6 decrees were adopted concerning an administrative fine of 700.0 thousand AMD is the result of inspections, visits, cases and report receipt conducted by the State Environmental Inspectorate of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection within the period of 19-23.12.2016; 363.54 thousand AMD was calculated as environmental damage. Particularly in the sphere of flora protection: Shirak Regional Division revealed a case and estimated 363.54 thousand AMD as damage caused to the nature. Akhuryan Division of Police is conducting the case. Fauna protection: 120.0kg whitefish (18) without owner was detected and confiscated within the week, including: Due to the inspections accomplished by Yerevan Regional Division 55.0 kg /112/ fresh whitefishes were confiscated and handed to RA special educational complex for children with hearing disorders, “Zatik” children assistance center. 65.0 kg /87/ fresh whitefish was revealed during the inspection procedures done by Lori Regional Division and thus handed to an orphanage in Vanadzor. illegal transfer of timbers: Syunik Regional Division charged a person an administrative fine of 100.0 thousand AMD for the breach of the law. water conservation: There was decided to charge a businessman an administrative fine of 200.0 thousand AMD by Yerevan Regional Division. Water and Atmoshphere Supervision Department charged an entrepreneur 200.0 thousand AMD. Not submitting environmental and environmental usage payment trimester reports within the defined period of time: Internal Control Division decided to charge an entrepreneur an administrative fine of 100.0 thousand AMD. Yerevan and Gegharkunik Regional Divisions charged businessmen the same amount of money /50.0 thousand AMD/. In general, due to the sanctions imposed by the State Environmental Inspectorate of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection there is 1.8 million AMD has entered the state budget.