A memorandum of understanding was signed between the RA MNP and “Lydian Armenia’’ company with the objective to establish ''Jermuk'' national park

On December 12 a memorandum of understanding was signed between the RA MNP and “Lydian Armenia’’ company intended for establishing ''Jermuk'' national park. RA Minister of Nature Protection Artsvik Minasyan, delivering a speech about the implementation of the envisaged project, stated that a new, responsible  attitude is created in mining and economy sector. Additionally, RA Minister Artsvik Minasyan noted: “Let us not consider the responsibilities undertaken by the RA Ministry of Nature Protection and “Lydian Armenia’’ company misleading while implementing their actions; moreover, there is especially stressed in the memorandum that the latter issues either the ministry or the company to implement properly their commitments and duties. Returning to the program, the minister attributed importance to highly participatory approach, stressing that communities as well as non-governmental organizations must be involved in the procedures. ''The project will be open, public, transparent and we set a goal of fostering a good culture of nature protection in order to achieve positive outputs involving all stakeholders. I assure that if we focus on drawing public’s wide layers, we will acquire an excellent result, which can ensure essential as well as serious review for Armenia in regional and international relations'': Artsvik Minasyan particularly said.     “Lydian Armenia’’ Company Executive Director Hayk Aloyan stated that 5.7 million USD will be input in ''Jermuk'' national park project within 5 years. The project is multilateral addressed to biodiversity conservation, ecotourism development as well as providing sustainable development for “Jermuk'' national park through realizing eco-agricultural programs. Ramaz Gokhelashviliand, Biodiversity Management Expert of Treweek Environmental Consultants /TEC/ company submitted implementation mechanisms of “Jermuk'' national park project to the attendees.   RA Minister of Nature Protection Artsvik Minasyan and“Lydian Armenia’’ Company Executive Director Hayk Aloyan signed a memorandum of undertakings directed to establishing “Jermuk” national park.