Autumn inspections were accomplished in specially protected areas of nature of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection

2016 autumn inspections were realized in specially protected areas of nature of RA MNP. As a result of a raid supervision conducted by “Master 410” motor boat in the territory of Lake Sevanby the employees of “Sevan NP” SNCO, there were detected 3 cases of illegal installation of fishing nets. Overall 18 various polyethylene fishing nets were taken out of the areas of Lake Sevan; 69 kg whitefish was revealed within the nets. The workers of Gegharkunik Regional Unit of the State Inspectorate of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection handed the fish to Gavar orphanage and Sevan N3 ''Heqiat'' kindergarten.  Additionally, hunting tools were handed to the reservoir, which will be destroyed by the corresponding committee according to the defined order. Phonological studies, forest pathological monitoring /rodent detection/ as well as calculating of trees damaged by avalanche were realized in ''Plane Grove'' state sanctuary of ''Zangezur'' Biosphere Complex SNCO. Studies related to climate changes on wildlife species conditioned by habitat alternations are ongoing. ''Dilijan” national park SNCO provided the residents with 346m3 wood: trees damaged by the wind. The employees of the conservation unit performed continual forest protection, control activities directed to combating illegal tree cutting and poaching. Due to the observations carried out by ''Dilijan NP'' SNCO 2 cases on deforestation /illicit cutting of 9 trees/ were revealed within the last week. Thereport has been composed on violations of norms on forests and were sent to Tavoush regional office of the Nature Protection Inspectorate of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection Staff where the damage caused to the nature as a result of illegal tree cutting will be estimated.