RA Minister of Nature Protection received the delegation led by Ambassador and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) to the Republic of Armenia Seyyed Kazem Sajjad

On November 28 RA Minister of Nature Protection received the delegation led by Ambassador and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) to the Republic of Armenia Seyyed Kazem Sajjad and Secretary–General of Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council (INIC), Professor Saeed Sarkar. In the course of the meeting several issues of mutual interest were considered. Saeed Sarkar made a video presentation over works conducted in Iranian nanotechnology sphere as well as partnership possibilities alongside Armenia.According to Professor Sarkar, Iran, having a leading position in this sector, thus standing ready to realize projects by means of reasonable cooperation in the fields of energy, healthcare, nature protection.     Minister Artsvik Minasyan welcomedthe undertaking, mentioning, that they will assist to build on arrangements with relevant departments, assuring, that the RA MNP is ready to confer upon each project in detail; the latter will enable constructive introduction of high technology in environment sector.      Additionally, they returned to issues related to transboundary water resources with Iran, especially the pollution of Arax River. Minister Artsvik Minasyan stated that Arax is regarded as a transboundary water resource for five countries and that is pivotal to   accomplish suitable studies within the territories of above mentioned countries focused to reveal pollution sources.    Furthermore, Iran’s Eastern Atropatena Province Governor made a positive response that Armenian side does not pollute the water of Arax River and heavy metals were not detected in samples taken out of river fish. The parties attributed importance to the essential and readiness to supervise Armenian-Iranian continual, joint monitoring activities directed to pollution of Arax River. Afterwards, they re-established the responsibility to effectively collaborate.