There is 1.14 million AMD has been estimated as damage caused to the nature by the RA Ministry of Nature Protection

7 decrees as anadministrative fine of 480.0 thousand AMD are the result of inspections, visits, cases and report receipt conducted by the State Environmental Inspectorate of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection within the period of 21-25.11.2016; 1.14 million AMD was calculated as environmental damage. Particularly in the sphere of flora protection: A decree was adopted as an administrative fine of 50.0 thousand AMD and 1.116 million AMD was estimated as environmental damage, including: While supervising inspections, Lori Regional Division detected illegal cuttingof 48 poplar trees and 1056.5 thousand AMD was estimated as environmental damage. The reports on deforestation were sent to Gughark Police Division.     Syunik Regional Division calculated 60.0 thousand AMD damage caused to the nature /illicit tree cutting/. A decision was made to charge 50.0 thousand AMD for illegal cutting (Vaycoc Dzor Regional Division). fauna protection: 8.5kg fresh varicorhinus (18) without owner, river fish (20) as well as 6.5kg live crayfish  were detected and confiscated within last week, including: During the visits paid by Shirak Regional Division 8.5 kg fresh varicorhinus (18) was confiscated; the latter was handed to F. Nansen Care and Protection Boarding Institution for Children. As a consequence of inspections executed by Tavoush Regional Division, river fish (20) was confiscated and handed to SOS Children’s Village in Ijevan. An individual was charged 50.0 thousand AMD as an administrative fine for illegal crayfishing /6.5 kg/ detected during the visits of Gegharkunik Regional Division. Live crayfish was released back to Lake Sevan. Syunik Regional Division implemented inspections and detected violations of norms on illicit fishing thus making a decision to charge an administrative fine of 25.0 thousand AMD. Not submitting environmental and environmental usage payment trimester reports within the defined period of time: 4 decrees were adopted as an administrative fine of 50.0 thousand AMD, including: As a result of inspections of Aragacotn Regional Division there was decided to charge 150.0 thousand AMD for the detected infraction. Shirak Regional Division conducted inspections and revealed violations of norms and made a decision to charge an administrative fine of 50.0 thousand AMD. Syunik and Gegharkunik Regional Divisions charged a businessman an administrative fine of 50.0 thousand AMD. Accomplishing activities without positive conclusion of impact evaluation and expertise on environment: During the joint visits of employees of Gegharkunik Regional Division and “Sevan NP” SNCO there was decided to charge an individual an administrative fine of 80.0thousand AMD. Administration and Expertise Control Division submitted an administrative decree of 300.0 thousand AMD to the compulsory implementation of judicial acts.     In general, due to the sanctions imposed by the State Environmental Inspectorate of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection there is 1.1 million AMD has entered the state budget.