Issues were conferred related to underground water resources in Ararat Valley

On November 9, a discussion was held on issues of underground water resources in Ararat Valley with the participation of state decision-making bodies and officials within the frameworks of “Advanced Science and Partnerships for Integrated Resource Development Project” (ASPIRED) of USAID. On behalf of RA Minister of Nature Protection Artsvik Minasyan, Deputy Minister Khachik Hakobyan delivered a welcome speech. Putting a high value on preservation and rehabilitation of groundwater resources, RA Deputy Minister noted: “I want particularly to reflect upon Advanced Science and Partnerships for Integrated Resource Development Project (ASPIRED) financed by USAID, which aims at contributing to sustainable management of water resources in Ararat Valley with the aid of scientific, technical, innovative undertakings, cooperating with interested sides and applying water users'  advanced experience'',and added that it requires constructive, target, coordinated and united approaches for developing obtained outputs of conservation and thrifty utilization in water resource sector, consequence and strengthening of future collaboration. USAID Mission Director to Armenia Deborah Grieser stressed the importance of the measures promoting rehabilitation and sustainable management of underground water resources of Ararat Valley in her speech. Meeting speakers illustrated the present condition of underground water utilization in Ararat Valley, analysis of monitoring regarding perspectives and proposals of using economic tools in order to supervise effective management of water resources.