As a consequence of inspections conducted by the State Environmental Inspectorate of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection there is 1.66 million AMD was calculated as damage caused to environment

17 decrees as an administrative fine of 1.6 million AMD are the result of inspections carried out by the State Environmental Inspectorate of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection within the period of 17-21.10.2016; 1.66 million AMD was estimated as environmental damage. Particularly in the sphere of flora protection: A decree was adopted as an administrative fine of 50.0 thousand AMD and 617.25 thousand AMD was calculated as damage caused to the nature, including: While implementing inspections in “Gugark Forestry” branch of “Hayantar” SNCO, Forest and Biodiversity Supervision Division detected illegal cutting of 207 trees. Environmental damage isconsidered andreckoned. Tavoush Regional Division charged an entrepreneur an administrative fine of 50.0 thousand AMD and 121.5 thousand AMD was estimated as damage caused to the nature. There was decided to charge an individual 495.75 thousand AMD by Vayoc Dzor Regional Division for deforestation of 18 trees. An administrative proceeding is to be brought. atmosphere protection: Water and Atmosphere Control Division charged an entrepreneur an administrative fine of 100.0 thousand AMD, including: Not submitting environmental and environmental usage payment trimester reports within the defined period of time: 2 decrees were adopted as an administrative fine of 50.0 thousand AMD, including: Shirak and Yerevan Regional Divisions charged a businessman an administrative fine of 50.0 thousand AMD. illegal transfer of timbers: 11 decrees were adopted as an administrative fine of 1.1 million AMD and 36.0 thousand AMD was reckoned as damage caused to the nature, including: Ararat Regional Division revealed a case of violation and made a decision to charge a person an administrative fine of 100.0 thousand AMD; 36.0 thousand AMD was estimated as environmental damage.   10 decrees were adopted as an administrative fine of 1.1 million AMDby Forest and Biodiversity Management Division. Fauna protection: Due to inspections realized by Vayoc Dzor Regional Division, an individual was charged 150.0 thousand AMD as an administrative fine for hunting partridge and 5.0 thousand AMD was reckoned as damage caused to the nature. Overall 32.0 kg whitefishes (62), 5 cylinder traps, 4.2kg crayfish were confiscated during the week, including: Due to the joint inspections of Gegharkunik Regional division and “Sevan NP” SNCO 12.0 kg fresh whitefishes (30) were detected and confiscated. Confiscated whitefish was handed to Gavar orphanage SNCO. During the visits conducted by Kotayk Regional Division 10.0 kg fresh whitefishes (17) were confiscated and handed to Narek Elderly House, Abovyan. Shirak Regional Division implemented supervision activities and charged a person an administrative fine of 50.0 thousand AMD for illicit crayfishing.5 cylinder traps were confisicated and 4.2kg crayfish was released back to the reserve. 10. 0 kg whitefish was found in the course of the inspection procedures done by Lori Regional Divisionand was handed to Vanadzor orphanage SNCO.  In general, due to the sanctions imposed by the State Environmental Inspectorate of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection there is 1.3 million AMD has entered the state budget.