The Coordination Meeting of Aarhus Environmental Information Centers in Armenia took place

RA Deputy Minister of Nature Protection Khachik Hakobyan participated in the Coordination Meeting of Aarhus Environmental Information Centers in Armenia. The event was attended by the representatives of the RA MNP, OSCE Office in Yerevan, 15 coordinators of Aarhus Centers /ACs/. Economic and Environmental Programme Officer of OSCE Office in Yerevan Matthias Lichtenbergeattached significance to Aarhus Centers activities in his remarks considering the collaboration of the Centers with the RA Ministry of Nature Protection primary. RA Deputy Minister of Nature Protection Khachik Hakobyan, setting great store on the activities of Aarhus Environmental Information Centers in Armenia since 2002, stressed that the centers fostered a new culture by disseminating environmental information and raising public awareness. The RA Deputy Minister noted, that it is impossible to tackle completely environmental problems without assistance of the society and pointed at future joint enterprises with Aarhus Centers.    An absorbing discussion started referring to the cooperation of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection and Aarhus Environmental Information Centers as well as issues on public awareness. During the meeting pre-evaluation results of Aarhus Centers activities conducted in 2016, necessities were considered; moreover, prospects for improvements were signified.