Ecotourism Development Center of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection participated in “Rural Life and Traditions” Annual Harvest Festival

In the course of the festival the employees of the RA MNP presented current ecotouristic infrastructures in the RA specially protected areas of nature. RA Deputy Minister of Nature Protection Kh. Hakobyan, greeting the festival participants and guests, appreciated the drawn attention to the development of rural communities and organic food, remarkably stating: “While supervising SPAs of the Republic of Armenia, the RA Ministry of Nature protection focuses on relevant preservation as well as social component in development and economic zones of the communities adjacent to the SPAs promoting environmentally friendly production”. For example, “Lake Arpi” National Park produces its honey, dries medicinal herbs. Additionally, similar activity is envisaged to  conduct in SPAs, the latter will have a social-economic impact on the communities adjacent to the protected areas”.