The twenty-first forum of Armenian- Iranian Experts focused on observing pollution of Araks River took place.

The twenty-first annual forum of the experts of the RA MNP and the Islamic Republic of Iran focused on observing pollution of Araks River took place in Yerevan. In the course of a four-day conference issues regarding Araks River as well as water stewardship measures within border areas of the countries were reflected upon. Conference Chairman A. Mkhitaryan, Deputy Head of Water Resources Management Agency, Head of the RA MNP Working Group, welcoming the forum participants, set great store on the Armenian-Iranian partnership directed to observing pollution of Araks River and expressed confidence that as during foregoing annual meetings and then effective discussions will be held analyzing outputs of the activities done for the previous year.  H. Gholami, the Head of Iran Working Group, Representative of the Ministry of Energy /MOE / of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in his turn, thanked the Armenian side for the activities directed to raise, tackle issues as well as for progress made every year. During the workshop the implementation procedure of the protocol items composed in the course of last annual session, results were considered, advances were outlined.   As a result of the discussions, the protocol of the works to be done within next year was made. The parties exchanged data on joint and simultaneous water sampling and monitoring of Araks River; the schedule of joint and simultaneous sampling was developed for a year.    The Experts of the Working Groups reflected upon the issues regarding application of biomonitoring in Araks River. Within the scopes of the visit the delegation of Iran Experts visited Erablur Military Pantheon and paid tribute to the tomb of the Ex- Head of the RA MNP Working Group, untimely died fighter Alfred Nersisyan. As a consequence of working discussions the sides signed the protocol of the twenty-first session of Armenian-Iranian Experts intended for observing pollution of Araks River; it is envisaged to hold the next annual session in Tabriz, the Islamic Republic of Iran /August, 2017/. At the end of the meeting the parties exchanged gifts. Reference Armenian-Iranian ExpertWorking Groups were established in 2005 and thus taking measures for water quality monitoring and conservation. In the frameworks of Armenian-Iranian joint monitoring activities the observations are carried out in 8 sampling sites of Araks River ( 4 sampling sites inthe Republic of Armenia and 4 ones in the Islamic Republic of Iran) including one in each of sampling sites of Meghriget and Kartchevan Rivers. The inspections are regularly realized through 2 methods: jointsampling with Iran (done at the same timefrom the Armenian and the Iranian shores) and simultaneous( each sidetakes a sample from its shore on the same day). Each year an annual meeting of the RA and Iran Represenataives takes place (pair dates in the Republic of Aramenia and odd dates in the Islamic Republic of Iran ), during which the parties present and exchange water sampling and monitoring data of the previous year,  written opinions and future steps,composeaschedule plan for water sampling frequency for next year.