A memorandum of understanding directed to water resource preservation, effective utilization and management in Ararat valley

Today the RA Ministry of Nature Protection, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), “Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company Armenia” signed a memorandum of understanding, aimed at improving water resource management across Armenia, particularly promoting conservation, productive utilization and management of water resources in Ararat Valley. The partnership will support some initiatives implementing within the frameworks of “Advanced Science and Partnerships for Integrated Resource Development Project” (ASPIRED) of USAID. The project goal is to restrain the rate of underground sweet water extraction in Ararat Valley to a sustainable level providing social-economic development for communities. Ambassador Mills stated: “Handling with such a large problem requires partnerships and cooperation. For many years, USAID has been working closely with the Government of the Republic of Armenia and other partners on a coordinated approach to using and safeguarding water resource use in Ararat Valley. The Government has responded in several ways, especially reducing the amount of breeding entrepreneurship allowed, and closing illegal and abandoned wells. These are good steps, necessary steps, but more should be done, and due to the partnership established today among USAID, Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company Armenia, and the RA Ministry of Nature Protection more will be done.”    First Deputy Minister of Nature Protection Simon Papyan,who is entrusted with the powers to Minister Aramayis Grigoryan during the leave, appreciated the support of USAID, as well as greeted the CSR policy of Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company Armenia on introducing mechanisms for constructive water resource management in Armenia. Reflecting upon the memorandum signing S.Papyan remarkably noted: “The implementing project is in line with the policy adopted by Armenia. Advanced technologies application for integrated resource conservation will direct our efforts to maintenance, effective and thrifty management of underground water resources in Ararat Valley, bringing them to a sustainable level”. Coca-Cola Hellenic Armenia General Manager Sayyora Ayupova attached significance to the memorandum positive impact on the socio-economic development of the country. “Water resource management and community development are the key directions of the CSR activity of Coca-Cola Hellenic Armenia. Therefore, this Memorandum and notably the implementation of this irrigation project are highly valued by our Company; it focuses on responsible and effective use of water resources, meanwhile advancing sustainable development of Hayanist and other communities in Ararat valley”: Ayupova stated. The project envisages to set up the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems in 20 fish breeding entrepreneurship; 10 SCADA Systems by “Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company Armenia” and 10 by ASPIRED project of UNIAD. The latter has assumed operating costs for the first three years.