Due to the breach detected by the RA Ministry of Nature Protection 1.4 million AMD entered the State Budget

7 decrees on administrative fines of  390.0 thousand AMD are the result of inspections, visits, cases and report receipt conducted by the State Environmental Inspectorate of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection within the period of 24-28.08.2015, 19.0 thousand AMD was calculated as environmental damage. Particularly in the sphere of soil protection: Gegharkunik Regional Division charged an administrative fine of 30.0 thousand AMD. Not submitting environmental and environmental usage payment reports within the defined period of time: There was decided to charge a businessman an administrative fine of 50.0 thousand AMD by Kotayk Regional Division. illegal hunting: As a result of the visits of Forest and Biodiversity Supervision Division realized inspections an administrative fine of 210.0 thousand AMD was decided to charge. 18.0thousand AMD was calculated as environmental damage. Vayoc Dzor Regional division implemented inspections and detected violations of norms thus charging an administrative fine of 50.0thousand AMD and 1.0thousand AMD was calculated as damage caused to the nature. Shirak Regional Division detected a violation of norms and charged 50.0 thousand AMD. 3 cylinder traps were confiscated and 1.5kg live crayfish was released back to the pond. In general due to the sanctions imposed by theState Environmental Inspectorate of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection there is 1.4 million AMD has entered the state budget.