Violation cases of the nature protection norms were detected and 62.52 million AMD was estimated by the RA Ministry of Nature Protection as environmental damage

26 decrees on administrative fine of 1.95 million AMD are the result of inspection procedure of events implemented by the RA Ministry of Nature Protection within the period of 15-20.12.2014 and the State Administration of Nature Protection; 62.52 thousand AMD was estimated as environmental damage. Particularly a decision of 600.0 thousand AMD was made as an administrative fine for 12 individuals doing illegal tree cutting revealed during the inspection procedures conducted by Tavoush Regional Division. As a result of illegal tree cutting cases conducted by Lori Regional Division it was decided to charge 3 individuals 150.0 thousand AMD as an administrative fine and 767.25 thousand AMD was estimated as environmental damage. Due to the inspections on preserving norms of water at a businessman carried out by Yerevan Regional Division, there has been decided to charge an administrative fine of 200.0 thousand AMD for the violation of norms and 61.68 million AMD was estimated as environmental damage. 10 decisions of 1.0 million AMD as an administrative fine was made for 10 individuals’ illegal transfer of timbers revealed during the inspection procedures of 3 cases conducted by Tavoush Regional Division. During the joint visits of employees of Gegharkunik Regional Division, “Sevan NP” SNCO and Supervision Unit of Biodiversity, Soil, Wastes and Noxious Substances the confiscated 87 sig fish and 301 karas fish was handed to “Gavar orphanage” SNCO and the educational center for acoustically impaired children according to the defined law. 76 fishing nets without owner and 7 cylinder traps. During the inspections of employees of Vayoc Dzor Regional Division illegal fishing was detected and 72.0 thousand AMD was calculated as environmental damage. Due to the inspections implemented by Yerevan Regional Division 53 sig fish was confiscated according to the law was handed to the educational center for acoustically impaired children. In general due to the sanctions imposed by the RA Ministry of Nature Protection there is 1.87 million AMD has entered the state budget.