RA Minister of Nature Protection Aramayis Grigoryan outlined the outputs of 2014 year

Today RA Minister of Nature Protection Aramayis Grigoryan outlined the undertakings of 2014 year implemented by the ministry and identified the foremost projects of the coming year at the press conference. Emphasizing the collaboration with NGOs and scientists of the sector, RA Minister stated that public and scientific engineering councils have been set up, which have already organized sessions. Aramayis Grigoryan underlined the liquidation works of illegal self-streaming deep wells in the RA Ararat and Armavir Regions. Particularly, since the beginning of 2014 until June the RA MNP liquidated, conserved and regulated with valves 253 l/s water in the RA Ararat and Armavir Regions; the annual saving comprises 8million m3; June 16- December 20 liquidated, conserved and regulated with valves 266 boreholes; which resulted in 23.886 l/s water saving, which comprises 753million m3 annually. Hydro geological observations indicated 4-12cm upward in December at the research centers in Arevabuyr village, Masis, the RA Ararat Region, 2-3cm in Sis, 0.04l/s increase in expenses in Dashtavan, 0.9l/s in Hovtashat; fish-breeding has increased expenses in Hovtashat village, 3-16l/s, 24l/s at an enterprise in Zorak village. A pitch improvement of 70cm in Aratashen and 10-70cm in Aknashen village observation centers has been observed. 0.05 l/s has been soared in the boreholes in Gay village, the RA Armavir Region. It is rather hard to draw inferences after liquidation or conservation of streaming boreholes although positive outcomes are obvious. Referring to the problems related to Lake Sevan, Minister of Nature Protection mentioned the fact that the water level is 1900.13m (21.12.2014), which in comparison with the previous year has decreased by 4cm (1900.17m). Specialists of the field consider the fact that the loss will be reduced in the future. Minister stated that with the help of Arpa-Sevan water-pipe 129.4million m3 water has been poured into Sevan by December 21, which is 6.1 million m3 less than in 2013 (135.5 m3). Since 2001 water level of Lake Sevan has improved by approximately 3.7 m instead of the envisaged 2.81m (21.6cm annually). Nowadays the water level index exceeds the index envisaged under the law in 0.89m. As a result of cleaning of water covered forest area the forecast 150ha area has been completely disposed. Aramayis Grigoryan stressed that they have planned to clean 150ha more in 2015. The picked wastes are disposed in Sevan National Park territory, thus, henceforth using the wastes as alternative fuel by a grant project. RA Minister of Nature Protection said that by 2014 state budget means within the scope of “Completion Services of Fish Reserves” project 200.0thousand ishkhan (3 and more g.) and 166.7 thousand gegharkuni small fishes have been released. Additionally, Aramayis Grigoryan stated that on the occasion of 100th anniversary of Armenian Genocide commemoration, trees were planted in 10ha area in Tsitsernakaberd by the RA MNP “Implementation Unit of Environmental Projects” state institution. 6725 trees were planted here during the months of October to November. Referring to the inspectorate functions, Aramayis Grigoryan mentioned that in 2014 770 reports on administrative fine of 65.22 million AMD was fined and 515 reports on 359.12 million AMD was estimated as environmental damage. Due to the sanctions imposed by the RA Ministry of Nature Protection 130.0 million AMD has entered the state budget, in comparison with the previous year proceeds the state budget has raised in 40%. RA Minister of Nature Protection Aramayis Grigoryan concluded his speech thanking the representatives of mass media for focusing on the field issues, reacting operatively and replied to the questions raised by them. Outcomes of implemented works by the RA Ministry of Nature Protection in 2014